Use this if you are using igraph from R
min_separators {igraph} | R Documentation |
Find all vertex sets of minimal size whose removal separates the graph into more components
graph |
The input graph. It may be directed, but edge directions are ignored. |
This function implements the Kanevsky algorithm for finding all minimal-size vertex separators in an undirected graph. See the reference below for the details.
In the special case of a fully connected input graph with vertices,
all subsets of size
are listed as the result.
A list of numeric vectors. Each numeric vector is a vertex separator.
Arkady Kanevsky: Finding all minimum-size separating vertex sets in a graph. Networks 23 533–541, 1993.
JS Provan and DR Shier: A Paradigm for listing (s,t)-cuts in graphs, Algorithmica 15, 351–372, 1996.
J. Moody and D. R. White. Structural cohesion and embeddedness: A hierarchical concept of social groups. American Sociological Review, 68 103–127, Feb 2003.
# The graph from the Moody-White paper
mw <- graph.formula(1-2:3:4:5:6, 2-3:4:5:7, 3-4:6:7, 4-5:6:7,
5-6:7:21, 6-7, 7-8:11:14:19, 8-9:11:14, 9-10,
10-12:13, 11-12:14, 12-16, 13-16, 14-15, 15-16,
17-18:19:20, 18-20:21, 19-20:22:23, 20-21,
21-22:23, 22-23)
# Cohesive subgraphs
mw1 <- induced.subgraph(mw, as.character(c(1:7, 17:23)))
mw2 <- induced.subgraph(mw, as.character(7:16))
mw3 <- induced.subgraph(mw, as.character(17:23))
mw4 <- induced.subgraph(mw, as.character(c(7,8,11,14)))
mw5 <- induced.subgraph(mw, as.character(1:7))
# Another example, the science camp network
camp <- graph.formula(Harry:Steve:Don:Bert - Harry:Steve:Don:Bert,
Pam:Brazey:Carol:Pat - Pam:Brazey:Carol:Pat,
Holly - Carol:Pat:Pam:Jennie:Bill,
Bill - Pauline:Michael:Lee:Holly,
Pauline - Bill:Jennie:Ann,
Jennie - Holly:Michael:Lee:Ann:Pauline,
Michael - Bill:Jennie:Ann:Lee:John,
Ann - Michael:Jennie:Pauline,
Lee - Michael:Bill:Jennie,
Gery - Pat:Steve:Russ:John,
Russ - Steve:Bert:Gery:John,
John - Gery:Russ:Michael)