R igraph manual pages

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Infomap community finding


Find community structure that minimizes the expected description length of a random walker trajectory


cluster_infomap(graph, e.weights = NULL, v.weights = NULL,
  nb.trials = 10, modularity = TRUE)



The input graph.


If not NULL, then a numeric vector of edge weights. The length must match the number of edges in the graph. By default the ‘weight’ edge attribute is used as weights. If it is not present, then all edges are considered to have the same weight. Larger edge weights correspond to stronger connections.


If not NULL, then a numeric vector of vertex weights. The length must match the number of vertices in the graph. By default the ‘weight’ vertex attribute is used as weights. If it is not present, then all vertices are considered to have the same weight. A larger vertex weight means a larger probability that the random surfer jumps to that vertex.


The number of attempts to partition the network (can be any integer value equal or larger than 1).


Logical scalar, whether to calculate the modularity score of the detected community structure.


Please see the details of this method in the references given below.


cluster_infomap returns a communities object, please see the communities manual page for details.


Martin Rosvall (http://www.tp.umu.se/~rosvall/) wrote the original C++ code. This was ported to be more igraph-like by Emmanuel Navarro. The R interface and some cosmetics was done by Gabor Csardi csardi.gabor@gmail.com.


The original paper: M. Rosvall and C. T. Bergstrom, Maps of information flow reveal community structure in complex networks, PNAS 105, 1118 (2008) http://dx.doi.org/10.1073/pnas.0706851105, http://arxiv.org/abs/0707.0609

A more detailed paper: M. Rosvall, D. Axelsson, and C. T. Bergstrom, The map equation, Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics 178, 13 (2009). http://dx.doi.org/10.1140/epjst/e2010-01179-1, http://arxiv.org/abs/0906.1405.

See Also

Other community finding methods and communities.


## Zachary's karate club
g <- make_graph("Zachary")

imc <- cluster_infomap(g)

[Package igraph version 1.2.3 Index]