R igraph manual pages

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Graph layout by multidimensional scaling


Multidimensional scaling of some distance matrix defined on the vertices of a graph.


layout_with_mds(graph, dist = NULL, dim = 2,
  options = arpack_defaults)




The input graph.


The distance matrix for the multidimensional scaling. If NULL (the default), then the unweighted shortest path matrix is used.


layout_with_mds supports dimensions up to the number of nodes minus one, but only if the graph is connected; for unconnected graphs, the only possible values is 2. This is because merge_coords only works in 2D.


This is currently ignored, as ARPACK is not used any more for solving the eigenproblem


Passed to layout_with_mds.


layout_with_mds uses metric multidimensional scaling for generating the coordinates. Multidimensional scaling aims to place points from a higher dimensional space in a (typically) 2 dimensional plane, so that the distance between the points are kept as much as this is possible.

By default igraph uses the shortest path matrix as the distances between the nodes, but the user can override this via the dist argument.

This function generates the layout separately for each graph component and then merges them via merge_coords.


A numeric matrix with dim columns.


Tamas Nepusz ntamas@gmail.com and Gabor Csardi csardi.gabor@gmail.com


Cox, T. F. and Cox, M. A. A. (2001) Multidimensional Scaling. Second edition. Chapman and Hall.

See Also

layout, plot.igraph

Other graph layouts: add_layout_, component_wise, layout_as_bipartite, layout_as_star, layout_as_tree, layout_in_circle, layout_nicely, layout_on_grid, layout_on_sphere, layout_randomly, layout_with_dh, layout_with_fr, layout_with_gem, layout_with_graphopt, layout_with_kk, layout_with_lgl, layout_with_sugiyama, layout_, merge_coords, norm_coords, normalize


g <- sample_gnp(100, 2/100)
l <- layout_with_mds(g)
plot(g, layout=l, vertex.label=NA, vertex.size=3)

[Package igraph version 1.2.3 Index]