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dominator_tree {igraph}R Documentation

Dominator tree


Dominator tree of a directed graph.


dominator_tree(graph, root, mode = c("out", "in", "all", "total"))



A directed graph. If it is not a flowgraph, and it contains some vertices not reachable from the root vertex, then these vertices will be collected and returned as part of the result.


The id of the root (or source) vertex, this will be the root of the tree.


Constant, must be ‘in’ or ‘out’. If it is ‘in’, then all directions are considered as opposite to the original one in the input graph.


A flowgraph is a directed graph with a distinguished start (or root) vertex rr, such that for any vertex vv, there is a path from rr to vv. A vertex vv dominates another vertex ww (not equal to vv), if every path from rr to ww contains vv. Vertex vv is the immediate dominator or ww, v=idom(w)v=\textrm{idom}(w), if vv dominates ww and every other dominator of ww dominates vv. The edges (idom(w),w)wr{(\textrm{idom}(w), w)| w \ne r} form a directed tree, rooted at rr, called the dominator tree of the graph. Vertex vv dominates vertex ww if and only if vv is an ancestor of ww in the dominator tree.

This function implements the Lengauer-Tarjan algorithm to construct the dominator tree of a directed graph. For details see the reference below.


A list with components:


A numeric vector giving the immediate dominators for each vertex. For vertices that are unreachable from the root, it contains NaN. For the root vertex itself it contains minus one.


A graph object, the dominator tree. Its vertex ids are the as the vertex ids of the input graph. Isolate vertices are the ones that are unreachable from the root.


A numeric vector containing the vertex ids that are unreachable from the root.


Gabor Csardi csardi.gabor@gmail.com


Thomas Lengauer, Robert Endre Tarjan: A fast algorithm for finding dominators in a flowgraph, ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS) I/1, 121–141, 1979.


## The example from the paper
g <- graph_from_literal(R-+A:B:C, A-+D, B-+A:D:E, C-+F:G, D-+L,
               E-+H, F-+I, G-+I:J, H-+E:K, I-+K, J-+I,
               K-+I:R, L-+H)
dtree <- dominator_tree(g, root="R")
layout <- layout_as_tree(dtree$domtree, root="R")
layout[,2] <- -layout[,2]
plot(dtree$domtree, layout=layout, vertex.label=V(dtree$domtree)$name)

[Package igraph version 1.3.5 Index]