Use this if you are using igraph from R
sample_fitness_pl {igraph} | R Documentation |
This function generates a non-growing random graph with expected power-law degree distributions.
exponent.out, = -1,
loops = FALSE,
multiple = FALSE,
finite.size.correction = TRUE
no.of.nodes |
The number of vertices in the generated graph. |
no.of.edges |
The number of edges in the generated graph. |
exponent.out |
Numeric scalar, the power law exponent of the degree
distribution. For directed graphs, this specifies the exponent of the
out-degree distribution. It must be greater than or equal to 2. If you pass
| |
Numeric scalar. If negative, the generated graph will be undirected. If greater than or equal to 2, this argument specifies the exponent of the in-degree distribution. If non-negative but less than 2, an error will be generated. |
loops |
Logical scalar, whether to allow loop edges in the generated graph. |
multiple |
Logical scalar, whether to allow multiple edges in the generated graph. |
finite.size.correction |
Logical scalar, whether to use the proposed finite size correction of Cho et al., see references below. |
This game generates a directed or undirected random graph where the degrees of vertices follow power-law distributions with prescribed exponents. For directed graphs, the exponents of the in- and out-degree distributions may be specified separately.
The game simply uses sample_fitness
with appropriately
constructed fitness vectors. In particular, the fitness of vertex is
, where
and gamma is
the exponent given in the arguments.
To remove correlations between in- and out-degrees in case of directed
graphs, the in-fitness vector will be shuffled after it has been set up and
before sample_fitness
is called.
Note that significant finite size effects may be observed for exponents
smaller than 3 in the original formulation of the game. This function
provides an argument that lets you remove the finite size effects by
assuming that the fitness of vertex is
is a
constant chosen appropriately to ensure that the maximum degree is less than
the square root of the number of edges times the average degree; see the
paper of Chung and Lu, and Cho et al for more details.
An igraph graph, directed or undirected.
Tamas Nepusz
Goh K-I, Kahng B, Kim D: Universal behaviour of load distribution in scale-free networks. Phys Rev Lett 87(27):278701, 2001.
Chung F and Lu L: Connected components in a random graph with given degree sequences. Annals of Combinatorics 6, 125-145, 2002.
Cho YS, Kim JS, Park J, Kahng B, Kim D: Percolation transitions in scale-free networks under the Achlioptas process. Phys Rev Lett 103:135702, 2009.
g <- sample_fitness_pl(10000, 30000, 2.2, 2.3)
## Not run: plot(degree_distribution(g, cumulative=TRUE, mode="out"), log="xy")