Use this if you are using igraph from R
sample_forestfire {igraph} | R Documentation |
This is a growing network model, which resembles of how the forest fire spreads by igniting trees close by.
sample_forestfire(nodes, fw.prob, bw.factor = 1, ambs = 1, directed = TRUE)
nodes |
The number of vertices in the graph. |
fw.prob |
The forward burning probability, see details below. |
bw.factor |
The backward burning ratio. The backward burning
probability is calculated as |
ambs |
The number of ambassador vertices. |
directed |
Logical scalar, whether to create a directed graph. |
The forest fire model intends to reproduce the following network characteristics, observed in real networks:
Heavy-tailed in-degree distribution.
Heavy-tailed out-degree distribution.
Densification power-law. The network is densifying in time, according to a power-law rule.
Shrinking diameter. The diameter of the network decreases in time.
The network is generated in the following way. One vertex is added at a
time. This vertex connects to (cites) ambs
vertices already present
in the network, chosen uniformly random. Now, for each cited vertex
we do the following procedure:
We generate two random
number, and
, that are geometrically distributed with means
. (
, is
.) The new vertex cites outgoing neighbors and
incoming neighbors of
, from those which are not yet cited by
the new vertex. If there are less than
such vertices
available then we cite all of them.
The same procedure is applied to all the newly cited vertices.
A simple graph, possibly directed if the directed
argument is
The version of the model in the published paper is incorrect in the sense that it cannot generate the kind of graphs the authors claim. A corrected version is available from, our implementation is based on this.
Gabor Csardi
Jure Leskovec, Jon Kleinberg and Christos Faloutsos. Graphs over time: densification laws, shrinking diameters and possible explanations. KDD '05: Proceeding of the eleventh ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery in data mining, 177–187, 2005.
for the basic preferential attachment
g <- sample_forestfire(10000, fw.prob=0.37, bw.factor=0.32/0.37)
dd1 <- degree_distribution(g, mode="in")
dd2 <- degree_distribution(g, mode="out")
plot(seq(along.with=dd1)-1, dd1, log="xy")
points(seq(along.with=dd2)-1, dd2, col=2, pch=2)