R/igraph 0.4.3
August 13, 2007
The next one in the sequence of bugfix releases. Thanks to many people
sending bug reports. Here are the changes:
- Some memory leaks removed when using attributes from R or Python.
- GraphML parser: entities and character data in multiple chunks are now handled correctly.
- A bug corrected in edge betweenness community structure detection,
it failed if called many times from the same program/session.
- Bug corrected in ‘adjacent edges’ edge iterator.
- Edge betweeness community structure: handle unconnected graphs properly.
- Fixed bug related to fast greedy community detection in unconnected graphs.
- Use a different kind of parser (Push) for reading GraphML files. This is almost
invisible for users but fixed a nondeterministic bug when reading in GraphML
- R interface: plot now handles properly if called with a vector as the edge.width
argument for directed graphs.
- R interface: bug (typo) corrected for walktrap.community and weighted graphs.
- Test suite should run correctly on Cygwin now.