igraph Reference Manual

For using the igraph C library

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Chapter 8. Random numbers

1. About random numbers in igraph, use cases

Some algorithms in igraph, e.g. the generation of random graphs, require random number generators (RNGs). Prior to version 0.6 igraph did not have a sophisticated way to deal with random number generators at the C level, but this has changed. From version 0.6 different and multiple random number generators are supported.

2. The default random number generator

2.1. igraph_rng_default — Query the default random number generator.

igraph_rng_t *igraph_rng_default();


A pointer to the default random number generator.

See also: 


2.2. igraph_rng_set_default — Set the default igraph random number generator

void igraph_rng_set_default(igraph_rng_t *rng);



The random number generator to use as default from now on. Calling igraph_rng_destroy() on it, while it is still being used as the default will result crashes and/or unpredictable results.

Time complexity: O(1).

3. Creating random number generators

3.1. igraph_rng_init — Initialize a random number generator

int igraph_rng_init(igraph_rng_t *rng, const igraph_rng_type_t *type);

This function allocates memory for a random number generator, with the given type, and sets its seed to the default.



Pointer to an uninitialized RNG.


The type of the RNG, please see the documentation for the supported types.


Error code.

Time complexity: depends on the type of the generator, but usually it should be O(1).

3.2. igraph_rng_destroy — Deallocate memory associated with a random number generator

void igraph_rng_destroy(igraph_rng_t *rng);



The RNG to destroy. Do not destroy an RNG that is used as the default igraph RNG.

Time complexity: O(1).

3.3. igraph_rng_seed — Set the seed of a random number generator

int igraph_rng_seed(igraph_rng_t *rng, unsigned long int seed);



The RNG.


The new seed.


Error code.

Time complexity: usually O(1), but may depend on the type of the RNG.

3.4. igraph_rng_min — Query the minimum possible integer for a random number generator

unsigned long int igraph_rng_min(igraph_rng_t *rng);



The RNG.


The smallest possible integer that can be generated by calling igraph_rng_get_integer() on the RNG.

Time complexity: O(1).

3.5. igraph_rng_max — Query the maximum possible integer for a random number generator

unsigned long int igraph_rng_max(igraph_rng_t *rng);



The RNG.


The largest possible integer that can be generated by calling igraph_rng_get_integer() on the RNG.

Time complexity: O(1).

3.6. igraph_rng_name — Query the type of a random number generator

const char *igraph_rng_name(igraph_rng_t *rng);



The RNG.


The name of the type of the generator. Do not deallocate or change the returned string pointer.

Time complexity: O(1).

4. Generating random numbers

4.1. igraph_rng_get_integer — Generate an integer random number from an interval

long int igraph_rng_get_integer(igraph_rng_t *rng,
                                long int l, long int h);



Pointer to the RNG to use for the generation. Use igraph_rng_default() here to use the default igraph RNG.


Lower limit, inclusive, it can be negative as well.


Upper limit, inclusive, it can be negative as well, but it should be at least l .


The generated random integer.

Time complexity: depends on the generator, but should be usually O(1).

4.2. igraph_rng_get_unif — Generate real, uniform random numbers from an interval

igraph_real_t igraph_rng_get_unif(igraph_rng_t *rng,
                                  igraph_real_t l, igraph_real_t h);



Pointer to the RNG to use. Use igraph_rng_default() here to use the default igraph RNG.


The lower bound, it can be negative.


The upper bound, it can be negative, but it has to be larger than the lower bound.


The generated uniformly distributed random number.

Time complexity: depends on the type of the RNG.

4.3. igraph_rng_get_unif01 — Generate real, uniform random number from the unit interval

igraph_real_t igraph_rng_get_unif01(igraph_rng_t *rng);



Pointer to the RNG to use. Use igraph_rng_default() here to use the default igraph RNG.


The generated uniformly distributed random number.

Time complexity: depends on the type of the RNG.

4.4. igraph_rng_get_normal — Normally distributed random numbers

igraph_real_t igraph_rng_get_normal(igraph_rng_t *rng,
                                    igraph_real_t m, igraph_real_t s);



Pointer to the RNG to use. Use igraph_rng_default() here to use the default igraph RNG.


The mean.


Standard deviation.


The generated normally distributed random number.

Time complexity: depends on the type of the RNG.

4.5. igraph_rng_get_geom — Generate geometrically distributed random numbers

igraph_real_t igraph_rng_get_geom(igraph_rng_t *rng, igraph_real_t p);



Pointer to the RNG to use. Use igraph_rng_default() here to use the default igraph RNG.


The probability of success in each trial. Must be larger than zero and smaller or equal to 1.


The generated geometrically distributed random number.

Time complexity: depends on the type of the RNG.

4.6. igraph_rng_get_binom — Generate binomially distributed random numbers

igraph_real_t igraph_rng_get_binom(igraph_rng_t *rng, long int n,
                                   igraph_real_t p);



Pointer to the RNG to use. Use igraph_rng_default() here to use the default igraph RNG.


Number of observations.


Probability of an event.


The generated binomially distributed random number.

Time complexity: depends on the type of the RNG.

4.7. igraph_rng_get_gamma — Generate sample from a Gamma distribution

igraph_real_t igraph_rng_get_gamma(igraph_rng_t *rng, igraph_real_t shape,
                                   igraph_real_t scale);



Pointer to the RNG to use. Use igraph_rng_default() here to use the default igraph RNG.


Shape parameter.


Scale parameter.


The generated sample

Time complexity: depends on RNG.

5. Supported random number generators

By default igraph uses the MT19937 generator. Prior to igraph version 0.6, the generator supplied by the standard C library was used. This means the GLIBC2 generator on GNU libc 2 systems, and maybe the RAND generator on others.

5.1. igraph_rngtype_mt19937 — The MT19937 random number generator

const igraph_rng_type_t igraph_rngtype_mt19937 = {
    /* name= */      "MT19937",
    /* min=  */      0,
    /* max=  */      0xffffffffUL,
    /* init= */      igraph_rng_mt19937_init,
    /* destroy= */   igraph_rng_mt19937_destroy,
    /* seed= */      igraph_rng_mt19937_seed,
    /* get= */       igraph_rng_mt19937_get,
    /* get_real= */  igraph_rng_mt19937_get_real,
    /* get_norm= */  0,
    /* get_geom= */  0,
    /* get_binom= */ 0,
    /* get_exp= */   0,
    /* get_gamma= */ 0

The MT19937 generator of Makoto Matsumoto and Takuji Nishimura is a variant of the twisted generalized feedback shift-register algorithm, and is known as the “Mersenne Twister” generator. It has a Mersenne prime period of 2^19937 - 1 (about 10^6000) and is equi-distributed in 623 dimensions. It has passed the diehard statistical tests. It uses 624 words of state per generator and is comparable in speed to the other generators. The original generator used a default seed of 4357 and choosing s equal to zero in gsl_rng_set reproduces this. Later versions switched to 5489 as the default seed, you can choose this explicitly via igraph_rng_seed instead if you require it. For more information see, Makoto Matsumoto and Takuji Nishimura, “Mersenne Twister: A 623-dimensionally equidistributed uniform pseudorandom number generator”. ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation, Vol. 8, No. 1 (Jan. 1998), Pages 3–30 The generator igraph_rngtype_mt19937 uses the second revision of the seeding procedure published by the two authors above in 2002. The original seeding procedures could cause spurious artifacts for some seed values. This generator was ported from the GNU Scientific Library.

5.2. igraph_rngtype_glibc2 — The random number generator type introduced in GNU libc 2

const igraph_rng_type_t igraph_rngtype_glibc2 = {
    /* name= */      "LIBC",
    /* min=  */      0,
    /* max=  */      RAND_MAX,
    /* init= */      igraph_rng_glibc2_init,
    /* destroy= */   igraph_rng_glibc2_destroy,
    /* seed= */      igraph_rng_glibc2_seed,
    /* get= */       igraph_rng_glibc2_get,
    /* get_real= */  igraph_rng_glibc2_get_real,
    /* get_norm= */  0,
    /* get_geom= */  0,
    /* get_binom= */ 0,
    /* get_exp= */   0,
    /* get_gamma= */ 0

It is a linear feedback shift register generator with a 128-byte buffer. This generator was the default prior to igraph version 0.6, at least on systems relying on GNU libc. This generator was ported from the GNU Scientific Library.

5.3. igraph_rngtype_rand — The old BSD rand/stand random number generator

const igraph_rng_type_t igraph_rngtype_rand = {
    /* name= */      "RAND",
    /* min=  */      0,
    /* max=  */      0x7fffffffUL,
    /* init= */      igraph_rng_rand_init,
    /* destroy= */   igraph_rng_rand_destroy,
    /* seed= */      igraph_rng_rand_seed,
    /* get= */       igraph_rng_rand_get,
    /* get_real= */  igraph_rng_rand_get_real,
    /* get_norm= */  0,
    /* get_geom= */  0,
    /* get_binom= */ 0,
    /* get_exp= */   0,
    /* get_gamma= */ 0

The sequence is x_{n+1} = (a x_n + c) mod m with a = 1103515245, c = 12345 and m = 2^31 = 2147483648. The seed specifies the initial value, x_1. The theoretical value of x_{10001} is 1910041713. The period of this generator is 2^31. This generator is not very good -- the low bits of successive numbers are correlated. This generator was ported from the GNU Scientific Library.

6. Use cases

6.1. Normal (default) use

If the user does not use any of the RNG functions explicitly, but calls some of the randomized igraph functions, then a default RNG is set up the first time an igraph function needs random numbers. The seed of this RNG is the output of the time(0) function call, using the time function from the standard C library. This ensures that igraph creates a different random graph, each time the C program is called.

The created default generator is stored internally and can be queried with the igraph_rng_default() function.

6.2. Reproducible simulations

If reproducible results are needed, then the user should set the seed of the default random number generator explicitly, using the igraph_rng_seed() function on the default generator, igraph_rng_default(). When setting the seed to the same number, igraph generates exactly the same random graph (or series of random graphs).

6.3. Changing the default generator

By default igraph uses the igraph_rng_default() random number generator. This can be changed any time by calling igraph_rng_set_default(), with an already initialized random number generator. Note that the old (replaced) generator is not destroyed, so no memory is deallocated.

6.4. Using multiple generators

igraph also provides functions to set up multiple random number generators, using the igraph_rng_init() function, and then generating random numbers from them, e.g. with igraph_rng_get_integer() and/or igraph_rng_get_unif() calls.

Note that initializing a new random number generator is independent of the generator that the igraph functions themselves use. If you want to replace that, then please use igraph_rng_set_default().

6.5. Example

Example 8.1.  File examples/simple/random_seed.c

/* -*- mode: C -*-  */
   IGraph library.
   Copyright (C) 2006-2012  Gabor Csardi <csardi.gabor@gmail.com>
   334 Harvard st, Cambridge MA, 02139 USA

   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
   (at your option) any later version.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
   Foundation, Inc.,  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
   02110-1301 USA


#include <igraph.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main() {

    igraph_t g1, g2;
    igraph_bool_t iso;

    igraph_rng_seed(igraph_rng_default(), 1122);

    igraph_erdos_renyi_game(&g1, IGRAPH_ERDOS_RENYI_GNP,
                            100, 3.0 / 100, /*directed=*/ 0, /*loops=*/ 0);

    igraph_rng_seed(igraph_rng_default(), 1122);

    igraph_erdos_renyi_game(&g2, IGRAPH_ERDOS_RENYI_GNP,
                            100, 3.0 / 100, /*directed=*/ 0, /*loops=*/ 0);

    igraph_isomorphic(&g1, &g2, &iso);

    if (!iso) {
        return 1;


    return 0;