python-igraph API reference

List of all classes, functions and methods in python-igraph

class documentation

class TriadCensus(tuple):

View In Hierarchy

Triad census of a graph.

This is a pretty simple class - basically it is a tuple, but it allows the user to refer to its individual items by the following triad names:

  • 003 -- the empty graph
  • 012 -- a graph with a single directed edge (A --> B, C)
  • 102 -- a graph with a single mutual edge (A <-> B, C)
  • 021D -- the binary out-tree (A <-- B --> C)
  • 021U -- the binary in-tree (A --> B <-- C)
  • 021C -- the directed line (A --> B --> C)
  • 111D -- A <-> B <-- C
  • 111U -- A <-> B --> C
  • 030T -- A --> B <-- C, A --> C
  • 030C -- A <-- B <-- C, A --> C
  • 201 -- A <-> B <-> C
  • 120D -- A <-- B --> C, A <-> C
  • 120U -- A --> B <-- C, A <-> C
  • 120C -- A --> B --> C, A <-> C
  • 210C -- A --> B <-> C, A <-> C
  • 300 -- the complete graph (A <-> B <-> C, A <-> C)

Attribute and item accessors are provided. Due to the syntax of Python, attribute names are not allowed to start with a number, therefore the triad names must be prepended with a lowercase t when accessing them as attributes. This is not necessary with the item accessor syntax.


>>> from igraph import Graph
>>> g=Graph.Erdos_Renyi(100, 0.2, directed=True)
>>> tc=g.triad_census()
>>> print(tc.t003)                    #doctest:+SKIP
>>> print(tc["030C"])                 #doctest:+SKIP
Method __getitem__ Undocumented
Method __getattr__ Undocumented
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Method __str__ Undocumented
Class Variable _remap Undocumented
_remap =


(type: dict[str, int])
def __getitem__(self, idx):


def __getattr__(self, attr):


def __repr__(self):


def __str__(self):


API Documentation for igraph, generated by pydoctor 21.2.2.