python-igraph API reference

List of all classes, functions and methods in python-igraph

class documentation

class TaperedEdgeDrawer(AbstractEdgeDrawer):

View In Hierarchy

Edge drawer implementation that draws undirected edges as straight lines and directed edges as tapered lines that are wider at the source and narrow at the destination.

Method draw_directed_edge Draws a directed edge.

Inherited from AbstractEdgeDrawer:

Method __init__ Constructs the edge drawer.
Instance Variable context Undocumented
Instance Variable palette Undocumented
Instance Variable VisualEdgeBuilder Undocumented
Method draw_loop_edge Draws a loop edge.
Method draw_undirected_edge Draws an undirected edge.
Method get_label_position Returns the position where the label of an edge should be drawn. The default implementation returns the midpoint of the edge and an alignment that tries to avoid overlapping the label with the edge.
Static Method _curvature_to_float Converts values given to the 'curved' edge style argument in plotting calls to floating point values.
Method _construct_visual_edge_builder Construct the visual edge builder that will collect the visual attributes of an edge when it is being drawn.
def draw_directed_edge(self, edge, src_vertex, dest_vertex):

Draws a directed edge.

Parametersedgethe edge to be drawn. Visual properties of the edge are defined by the attributes of this object.
src_vertexthe source vertex. Visual properties are given again as attributes.
dest_vertexthe target vertex. Visual properties are given again as attributes.
API Documentation for igraph, generated by pydoctor 21.2.2.