python-igraph API reference

List of all classes, functions and methods in python-igraph

module documentation

Drawing routines to draw graphs.

This module contains routines to draw graphs on:

It also contains routines to send an igraph graph directly to (Cytoscape) using the (CytoscapeRPC plugin), see CytoscapeGraphDrawer. CytoscapeGraphDrawer can also fetch the current network from Cytoscape and convert it to igraph format.

Variable cairo Undocumented
Class AbstractGraphDrawer Abstract class that serves as a base class for anything that draws an igraph.Graph.
Class AbstractCairoGraphDrawer Abstract base class for graph drawers that draw on a Cairo canvas.
Class DefaultGraphDrawer Class implementing the default visualisation of a graph.
Class UbiGraphDrawer Graph drawer that draws a given graph on an UbiGraph display using the XML-RPC API of UbiGraph.
Class CytoscapeGraphDrawer Graph drawer that sends/receives graphs to/from Cytoscape using CytoscapeRPC.
Class GephiGraphStreamingDrawer Graph drawer that sends a graph to a file-like object (e.g., socket, URL connection, file) using the Gephi graph streaming format.
Class MatplotlibGraphDrawer Graph drawer that uses a pyplot.Axes as context
cairo =


API Documentation for igraph, generated by pydoctor 21.2.2.