python-igraph API reference

List of all classes, functions and methods in python-igraph

class documentation

class GephiGraphStreamingDrawer(AbstractGraphDrawer):

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Graph drawer that sends a graph to a file-like object (e.g., socket, URL connection, file) using the Gephi graph streaming format.

The Gephi graph streaming format is a simple JSON-based format that can be used to post mutations to a graph (i.e. node and edge additions, removals and updates) to a remote component. For instance, one can open up Gephi (, install the Gephi graph streaming plugin and then send a graph from igraph straight into the Gephi window by using GephiGraphStreamingDrawer with the appropriate URL where Gephi is listening.

The connection property exposes the GephiConnection that the drawer uses. The drawer also has a property called streamer which exposes the underlying GephiGraphStreamer that is responsible for generating the JSON objects, encoding them and writing them to a file-like object. If you want to customize the encoding process, this is the object where you can tweak things to your taste.

Method __init__ Constructs a Gephi graph streaming drawer that will post graphs to the given Gephi connection. If conn is None, the remaining arguments of the constructor are forwarded intact to the constructor of GephiConnection...
Method draw Draws (i.e. sends) the given graph to the destination of the drawer using the Gephi graph streaming API.
Instance Variable connection Undocumented
Instance Variable streamer Undocumented

Inherited from AbstractGraphDrawer:

Method ensure_layout Helper method that ensures that layout is an instance of Layout. If it is not, the method will try to convert it to a Layout according to the following rules:
def __init__(self, conn=None, *args, **kwds):

Constructs a Gephi graph streaming drawer that will post graphs to the given Gephi connection. If conn is None, the remaining arguments of the constructor are forwarded intact to the constructor of GephiConnection in order to create a connection. This means that any of the following are valid:

  • GephiGraphStreamingDrawer() will construct a drawer that connects to workspace 0 of the local Gephi instance on port 8080.
  • GephiGraphStreamingDrawer(workspace=2) will connect to workspace 2 of the local Gephi instance on port 8080.
  • GephiGraphStreamingDrawer(port=1234) will connect to workspace 0 of the local Gephi instance on port 1234.
  • GephiGraphStreamingDrawer(host="remote", port=1234, workspace=7) will connect to workspace 7 of the Gephi instance on host remote, port 1234.
  • GephiGraphStreamingDrawer(url="http://remote:1234/workspace7) is the same as above, but with an explicit URL.
def draw(self, graph, *args, **kwds):

Draws (i.e. sends) the given graph to the destination of the drawer using the Gephi graph streaming API.

The following keyword arguments are allowed:

  • ``encoder`` lets one specify an instance of ``json.JSONEncoder`` that will be used to encode the JSON objects.
connection =


streamer =
